
OpenStreetMap can be used for commercial purposes, with the only restriction being that if you make any modifications or updates to the map, you must update the updated map to the OSM community in an open format and agree to the open license. Other uses of the map such as printing, referencing, adding value services, or commercial applications are allowed without using open format (unless there are modifications to the map content). The left-side link is the official website, and the map link is

2020.1220 Update: The service is suspected to have been discontinued QAQ



This website hosts the works of Dutch designer Folker Gorter, which can be used for commercial purposes but must be credited to the original source as his photography works are licensed under Creative Commons 3.0. Suitable for use as a layout picture or blog main picture. His work has a unique style that is different from the typical photography style. If it suits your taste, don't hesitate to download all of it at once.



Thousands of photos taken by NASA during the first moon landing, hidden until now, have been publicly released for the first time. The photos have a very high resolution, thanks to Flickr for providing the space. Come and see the moon through Armstrong's eyes. The left URL is the official introduction and the download directory can be directly clicked here.


HTML5 Zero

A collection of website templates that support RWD (responsive web design) is mainly provided. Responsive design automatically adjusts the layout to be suitable for reading on different devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and screens. Downloading is available for reference.

2020.1220 Update: The service is suspected to have been discontinued QAQ


A photo sharing website that allows designers and photographers to exchange and share their photos, and also place their Google Adsense advertisements and Paypal donation boxes next to the photos. Even if no one donates to you, you can still earn revenue through advertising, with about 1 dollar for around 1000 exposures. This service can only be activated after uploading 25 photos. The licensing of the photos on Stockvault website varies, with some being available for commercial or non-commercial sales or public domain CC0 use. Please check the licensing information before downloading.