NDL Library | National Diet Library

The National Diet Library of Japan (NDL) recently announced that the images in its digital image database "NDL Image Bank" are now available for free download and use for commercial purposes. These materials include magazines, books, ukiyo-e woodblock prints, and more, totaling over 900 images. The website also categorizes the images, making it easy to find artists or themes. In the past, it was mainly museums that open-sourced their collections, but now libraries are doing so as well. When using the images, please remember to credit the source as the National Diet Library "NDL Image Bank".


aiemojigenerator.org AI Emoji Generator

This is a generator that can use AI tools to generate emoji images. Just enter text to generate an emoji image. It also supports Chinese input and does not require registration. You can generate three images for free every day. At the same time, you can also use the search function on the website to find images generated by others, such as "a turtle with messy teeth" and "a toilet on fire". Both can generate interesting emoji.


Google Fonts Icons

This website is the "Icons" page of Google Fonts, which provides free fonts. Among them, the Material Symbols icon font contains more than 3,000 icon icons. In this set of icons, there are also multiple adjustable styles, including different combinations of thicknesses. You can directly search for icons through this website, and then you can directly download them as vector graphics or directly display them on the website in the form of website code.


This is a free material gallery from Japan featuring a vast collection of watercolor illustrations that can be used for commercial purposes. The materials showcase an adorable style, including Chinese New Year cards, animals, flowers, events, food, and more. Downloading is straightforward – simply right-click and save the JPG image file for immediate use. The watercolor palette used in these materials is soft and warm.

Unreal Images

This website is a free platform that offers high-quality image materials generated by AI. You can find images on various themes such as travel, animals, anime, architecture, etc. These images can be downloaded for personal or commercial use without the need to attribute the source. They are contributed by creators worldwide, undergoing manual review and classification.


Christopher Johnson’s ASCII Art Collection

Do you know what BBS is? Before Facebook became popular, it was a very hot portal website, and the most impressive thing was the entrance image of each board. Because images could not be used, only text characters could be arranged into pictures, which is the ASCII style. This website "ASCII Art Collection" displays a lot of ASCII art works, from movies to animals, festivals and more. You can quickly search and copy them for use. The ASCII art patterns in it are still increasing. For creators, this is another interesting material that can be used.


Aurel Manea Photo archive

Aurel Manea, a creator from Romania, loves photography very much. Recently, he has made the photos he took over the past decade available for everyone to download. Recently, he has made the photos he took over the past decade available for free download. As long as they are not used for selling photos (to stock photo websites) or competitions, they can be used. Currently, the number of these photos has accumulated to more than four thousand, and the photos are biased towards travel scenery.

AI いらすとや

Previously, I introduced a famous Japanese open source cartoon illustration website, "いらすとや". "いらすとや" is a well-known free illustration material website in Japan, famous for its cute style. AIいらすとや is an AI illustration generator launched by "いらすとや", which can generate various cute illustrations based on the user's input of text or images. You can enter some text, or upload a reference image, and then let AI create all kinds of cute characters and scenes for you. You can download standard size images for free, or subscribe to the Pro plan to enjoy unlimited generation and download, but you need to register with a Google account to use it, and the words you enter must be translated into Japanese first.


IRA Design

這個網站是 Creative Tim 推出的免費素材資料 IRA Design,是一個有免費精美插圖的工具包可以下載,裡面包含了各種人物、背景、物件等素材,網站的內容主要分為插畫圖下載、使用教學與範例作品,裡面的圖片素材有 PNG 與向量的 SVG 兩種格式可提供下載,還提供了整批下載使用,這些圖片可以用於商業用途,但要標示來源是 Creative Tim 的版權信息,而且素材不能用於違法的用途使用。

Adobe Express QR-code

這個服務是 Adobe Express 的其中一個線上工具,可以讓您快速而簡單地製作 QR 碼,並且自訂其樣式和顏色,甚至是微調外觀,例如將方格變成圓點或圓角,您可以下載 QR 碼圖片,並且選擇您想要的檔案格式,例如 PNG、JPG、SVG 等…唯一的限制是需要登入你的 Adobe 帳號才能使用,放心,就算沒有付費的 Adobe 的帳號也是可以免費使用這個 QR-code 產出工具。

NASA Image and Video Library

這是美國國家航空暨太空總署(NASA)的官方圖片和影片網站,這個網站收藏了 NASA 在過去 70 多年來拍攝的數百萬張圖片和影片,涵蓋天文、地球、海報、火箭、儀表板數據、太空探索等各個領域,裡面有非常多的照片與影片可以下載使用,個人使用是免費的,但是若要用在商業用途,一定要標示來源才行。


這是一個免費圖示網站,是由多位設計師共同經營的,在這 10年內創建了超過 20 萬個不同的圖標,有些 icon 還提供了成套的組合,套組甚至多達 1,400 多組,免註冊會員帳號就能直接下載,這個網站的所有圖片都能免費下載用於個人或非商業用途,沒錯!若要用在商業用途要記得遵照 BlendIcons 網站的說明,放置圖示的出處來源,裡面能下載的檔案格式有四種分別是:SVG、PNG、PDF、WEB,喔對了圖示可以下載時可以選擇不同風格與配色還有尺寸,是一個非常方便的素材網站。