
Giphy, known as the museum of GIFs, you can find a large number of GIFs on the same theme by simply entering any keyword. In the search results page, the images are static, to avoid confusion. To see the animation, just move the mouse over the image, it will come to life. It is very suitable for Facebook fan editors to find memes.



A website that sells its own expertise, where you can sell your work, photos, programs, books, and ideas, and at the same time, you can also purchase related design materials and knowledge tools on the website. In addition to paid materials, there are also free materials that can be downloaded, and the condition for downloading is to do a social share for the material's page once, and then you can download the material back for free.
誠實說:透過介介的連結註冊,完成第一筆消費時,介介會有購物抵用金獎勵,若這個舉動讓你感到反感的話,可以透過搜尋 stacksocial 也可以找到他們的網站。



The New York Public Library provides more than 100,000 historical photos and documents in high resolution for free unlimited use. High resolution files are also available for purchase at around $50. Additionally, you can also have the library print and frame the photos for you, although it is slightly more expensive, but it will be more valuable as a souvenir.



"Asika Paradise 飛鳥新樂園" website from Taiwan, includes a lot of free photo resources from various stock photo libraries, the interface design is simple and clean, it has a search function that allows you to quickly search for the material you need, it also lists the most popular, most downloaded and randomly recommended free photos. Note: As of 2020.12.04, it seems that the website has stopped providing service.

更新:2020.12.04 疑似結束服務了 QAQ


Google Art Prject

Google established the non-profit Google Cultural Institute to provide museums around the world with free digital archiving technology support, such as 360-degree virtual reality, street view services, digital content management, film or recorded guided tours, and even assistance with translations in multiple languages. It also helps museums produce mobile apps and provides search engine technology support services. Some people may think museums are outdated, but when they see the online collections, who will come to the museum? However, the idea is that by releasing resources for more people to see, the museum's reputation will grow and more people will be willing to buy tickets to see the real artifacts. As a result, museum ticket and souvenir sales revenue will increase. Currently, there are over 4 million artworks available for download and use.



Rijksmuseum 荷蘭 阿姆斯特丹國家博物館 將館內的作品以 CC0 的方式讓大家免費下載並應用在商業用途上,約20萬件,介介覺得很有趣的是,當初採用半開放的方式,下載超過 200MB 的 TIF 格式的大型圖檔時,才支付40歐元,免費的部分帶來了龐大曝光量,同時也帶動了圖檔販售的業績 (年收入約18萬歐元),但博物館支付給圖庫銷售業務人員的薪資,行政雜支發票或信用卡手續費等,高於銷售的業績,於是博物館與基金會決定全部免費,換句話說全部免費竟然還可以多賺錢,這真的是太有趣了!


The Rijksmuseum, a national museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands, has made its collection of works available for free downloading and commercial use under the CC0 license. Approximately 200,000 works are included. Interestingly, when the museum initially adopted a semi-open policy and charged a fee of 40 euros for downloading large TIF format files exceeding 200 MB, it received a massive exposure and boosted sales (annual revenue of approximately 180,000 euros). However, the salaries of sales personnel, administrative expenses, invoices, and credit card fees paid to the museum exceeded the sales revenue, so the museum and the foundation decided to make everything free. In other words, making everything free actually resulted in increased profits, which is really interesting!



The Digital Collection Project from the Digital Culture Center of the Taiwan Central Research Institute is available for download under the CC0 license for commercial use. The collection contains many interesting old photos from old Taiwan and also many high-resolution scans of ancient books that can be downloaded.



Tens of thousands of photos with CC0 licenses, available for commercial use without registration, can be downloaded directly. Additionally, there are some CC-licensed photos that can be used commercially (with attribution). You can also directly embed the photos on your website or blog. The huge collection of free photo resources has only one drawback, the keywords for the photos are not well defined, making it less precise to find photos. However, there is a feature to find photos by color, and some images are only suitable for web use with limited resolution, but the large number of photos makes up for it.



This platform provides sharing of copyright-free CC0 licensed images, all for free and can be used for commercial purposes. After registering, you can download high-resolution files. If the photos are truly helpful to you, you can reward the photographers with Paypal, allowing them to capture more photos to share.