Random Colors

This is an online color palette website that automatically generates a color and presents it in a gradient of deep to light petals. It allows users to have more color options to reference at the same time. Pressing F5 or the refresh button in the center of the flower will generate a new color. In addition to providing HEX codes, clicking on the color code will also show the RGB, CMYK, HSL color combinations, and various color schemes and references.



This is a very easy-to-use file sharing platform, you can share pictures, code, articles, and even add text notes. You can also set the expiration time of the link from 5 minutes to never expires, and even set the file to be destroyed after reading. Some online customer service tools cannot share pictures, this simple tool is perfect for that. It uses AES-256 encryption, which effectively enhances privacy, and it is an open-source online tool.


This free file upload space uses decentralized technology, uploading files to IPFS using the file's hash value (Hash) similar to blockchain technology. Simply put, the files are split into many fragments and dispersed to many places, but this also means that you cannot review, delete or edit the files you uploaded. It supports a single file with a maximum of 10 GB, after uploading the file it will give you a .txt plain text, copy the hash code inside, the other party only needs to enter the code on the download page to download the file.

Free Stock Photos by Canva

This is a free online photo library provided by Canva, which includes a search and classification function and a high-quality photo of millions of high-quality photos that can be downloaded for free and cropped through automatic tools. If you are a Canva Pro paid member, you can also download premium photos priced at one dollar for free.