國外一間特殊的文具店,kikki.K 不但販賣文具,還包含香氛蠟燭、時鐘、隨身化妝鏡、木製音樂盒等。而且,Kristina 還開設課程,教導他人如何追夢。他也因此寫了一本名為《你的夢想由此開始》(Your Dream Life Starts Here)的書
提供了許多 4K 高解析度的影片素材,可以免費下載,提供線上預覽,只需要註冊就能下載,Dareful 採用的授權方式為「姓名標示 4.0 國際 (CC BY 4.0)」,可以分享或以任何方式修改素材,但使用時必須標示作者及來原出處。
Notion icon
Notion is one of the most popular project management and note-taking tools, beloved for its extensive customization options. Even the page icons can be replaced. This website offers a vast collection of dynamic icons, ranging from cool and stylish designs to humorous memes. By clicking on an image, the URL is automatically copied. You can then go to the icon section of your Notion page, choose to upload, and paste the URL using a keyboard shortcut to set up the icon. It's perfect for those who enjoy making their notes more vibrant and personalized.
Glitch Art Generator
Glitch Art Generator is an online tool that allows users to quickly create and share stunning gradient-style glitch art images. Users can customize the number and type of colors, the number of lines, and the spacing. It also offers downloadable wallpaper formats for mobile devices, tablets, and computers.
Vector Club
This is a free vector illustration resource website from Japan, offering a wide variety of illustrations, including people, natural landscapes, buildings, vehicles, household items, food, and backgrounds. All materials are available for free download and can be used for commercial purposes. It provides vector formats such as AI and EPS, making it convenient for further design and use. The website features a clean interface, allowing users to easily browse and download the required materials even without understanding Japanese.
米画师是一個專業的美術外包和約稿交易平台,為企劃方和自由畫師提供有效率的合作渠道。這個平台專注於滿足各類藝術需求,包括遊戲角色設計、場景繪製、個人肖像和壁紙等。在這裡,使用者可以輕鬆找到符合需求的藝術家進行合作。 目前已有超過 15,000 位自由畫師和 800 位簽約畫師入駐。該平台透過多種工具和交易擔保機制,保障雙方的合作安全,並支援雲端同步管理和高效的稿件處理。平台支援多種支付方式,包括支付寶、微信和銀行轉帳,手續費約從 5% 起。
SVGL 這個網站蒐集了全球各種知名品牌的商標 Logo,並提供可任意放大變形的向量 SVG 檔案。免註冊即可直接下載或複製,但須留意,有些商標的版權屬於原品牌,使用前務必注意。
這是一個免費的素材網站,所有資源皆經過精心挑選,適用於個人或商業用途且能免費使用的素材。這些優質實用的資源包含模型、字體、模板、圖標和圖形,提供的素材為 AI 或 PS 檔,因此你可以下載後直接使用專業繪圖軟體進行調整。由於提供原始可編輯檔案,你可以直接修改素材。
With the rise of numerous online subscription services, even Adobe has shifted to a subscription-based model. To save money, many people opt to share accounts with friends and family or rent accounts through platforms like Shopee. JieJie was curious why these marketplaces offer such cheap deals and discovered that they rent accounts from a website and then sublease them. Each transaction earns them at least 50 to 100 NT dollars, making it an almost zero-cost business. Services like Netflix, ChatGPT, HBO Go, Disney+, Spotify, and Adobe can be accessed at 30% to 50% of the original price. What's even more remarkable is that refunds are available at any time, and if you’ve used the service for more than a day, you can get a prorated refund (with a $2 USD handling fee). If you're worried about credit card information being compromised, you can choose JKO Pay for one-time payments. JieJie calculated that this method can save nearly NT$10,000 annually. Use the exclusive discount code【jie04】for 10% off.
Google NotebookLM AI
This is an AI tool developed by Google, currently available for free. It serves as a "second brain" for reading and thinking—NotebookLM AI provides well-founded responses and is less prone to making things up. Its answers are strictly based on the documents you provide, and when responding, it even cites sources, such as indicating which page of your material the information comes from. You can also discuss the content with it, making it an excellent tool for taking reading notes. It’s perfect for analyzing professors' lectures or writing reflections on extracurricular books, and it can even be a valuable assistant when working on academic papers.
This AI website offers free music and song generation. By simply entering a description, you can instantly generate a variety of music and lyrics, making it ideal for users without a professional music background. You can generate up to six songs per day for free, and the created tracks can be used for both personal and commercial purposes. The songs are available for direct download without any need to unlock or pay, with each track capable of being up to four minutes long. Additionally, the site provides other related tools, such as vocal removal from music, a poetry generator, and a rap generator, among others.